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Effective Employee Web-Based Intranet Training Programs

Technology- and web-based eLearning training programs have the unique ability to reach employees whether they are across the street or across the world — which explains the growing popularity of web-based training and testing. At Dynamic Digital Advertising (DDA) Corporate and Medical Training, different on- and off-the-job training methods are created through a wide array of innovative training tools using the latest and most efficient technologies available. One such technology-based application for training is an intranet, a private computer network that can be used to easily share and distribute your corporate or medical organizations information.

Innovative Intranet ELearning Training Tools and Materials for High Memory Retention

Corporate and medical intranets have become an invaluable tool for sharing documents, applications, and an array of information. Intranets can also host a variety of training materials to provide a simple solution for maintaining frequent updates. Here are just a few things your business can accomplish with custom programmed intranets:

  • Publish training documents or resources for employees to easily access the latest and most up-to-date information.
  • Present online training courses, videos or virtual simulations to help increase memory retention.
  • Create a calendar with important dates and events so that trainees can follow the same training schedules.
  • A seamless launch of applications that aid training.
  • Forms that provide analysis, evaluation, and feedback from users.
  • Quizzes and testing to ensure the information was retained and can be applied to the workplace.

The possibilities available with intranets are near limitless. Custom intranets provide effective employee training methods by allowing the user to customize the experience and cater it to your business’ specific needs. In today’s ever-changing world, cookie cutter training program templates simply don’t work. DDA Corporate and Medical Training has the proper tools, materials, and methods for creating effective and simplified training processes.
