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Innovative Training Methods and Solutions for Employee Retention

Effective methods for training employees and ensuring employee retention are essential for business, corporate, or medical training programs. With the advantages of a complete in-house advertising agency, Dynamic Digital Advertising (DDA) Corporate and Medical Training simplifies the complexities of job training to create the Building Blocks of Advanced Learning Tools (BB of ALT). Not only does DDA Corporate and Medical Training provide the gamut of advertising and video production tools, but also advanced programming services. With eLearning system programming, different training methods can be fully customized to maximize the memory retention of trainees to help increase the workflow of your company.

Ideas for Database Programming Projects to Maximize Job Training

Database programming is an essential tool to help collect and review information submitted by trainees during different types of training methods. For example, online training can coincide with web programming to create a database to store who logs in to use the training course and if the trainee passes or fails the testing portion. What information is collected in this database is completely customized to the needs of your company.


With DDA Corporate and Medical Training’s ideas for database programming projects, you can access custom reports to provide a wealth of information to help during the training process. Some benefits of database programming for training are:

  • Quiz Mechanisms and Components: With quiz mechanisms and components you can test employees to be sure the necessary information was retained.
  • Award Certification: Employees passing the training quiz can be instantly rewarded with a custom created award certification for their outstanding efforts.
  • Reporting: Custom reports can show how long individual employees spent on the training program and whether he/she passed or failed the testing program. Failed trainees can then be placed into additional training programs until the information is retained.
  • Training Management System: A management system can allow you to administrate trainees who have signed up for the program, track users, update quizzes and testing, and anything else your company would like to control.

At DDA Corporate and Medical Training, we are knowledgeable about combining all possible elements to create the most efficient employee training methods possible. Contact us today to find out how our custom eLearning training programs can benefit your company.
