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Organize PowerPoint Presentation Slides and Materials

With PowerPoint Presentations being utilized by various departments and personnel, the important information you need is too spread out to easily organize and make use of it efficiently. Precious time is wasted creating brand new PowerPoint presentation tools instead of focusing more important matters. But now, with the custom application development capabilities of DDA Apps and the PowerPoint Generator™, organizing and collecting slides is easier and more efficient than ever. From a single database accessed with your Internet browser, the PowerPoint Generator™ creates a simple way for any business to archive, search, and organize presentation materials.

Collect and Organize Presentations in Seconds with the PowerPoint Generator™
The PowerPoint Generator™ provides the simplest way to search a collection of PowerPoint slides and organize them into a new and unique presentation. With powerful search functions that let you sort by category or search by keyword, a list of related slides are presented to you.

From there you can add slides, organize them as you see fit, and download a fully functional PowerPoint file in minutes – and you don’t even need to be an expert in PowerPoint. For further customization, these files can then be edited in PowerPoint to create new backgrounds or make minor changes.

The PowerPoint Generator™ allows you to organize every single slide, presentation, or related material with ease. Whether you need to find slides generated by your advertising department, accounting charts, or sales information, this powerful PowerPoint organization tool makes it simple. Employees from every office or branch of your business or organization can upload presentations and slides to a central database from nearly anywhere in the world. If you have an Internet connection, you can have access to the PowerPoint Generator™ and the full range of best material your company has to offer. The PowerPoint Generator™ will help anyone look like an expert with well-informed and customized presentations.

Learn More

Video captures attention and frames information in narrative, character-driven structure that helps keep viewers engaged. That’s why video-based medical eLearning platforms are an excellent way to teach complex medical topics and ensure full comprehension. DDA was one of the first digital video/animation studios in the nation, and its long history in developing video-based medical eLearning platforms has given the company the experience it takes to create powerful learning experiences that are enjoyable and lead to long-term memory retention. DDA handles everything from concept to completion, including scriptwriting, storyboarding, casting, platform design, course content integration, metrics reporting, administration features, and anything else that may be required. Make your video-based eLearning a success. Contact DDA today.

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