What’s so Special about Visual Effects?

How can you turn one actor into a crowd scene? How can you make a photo taken in 2013 look like it’s from the 1920s? How can you take your film set to the moon? The answer to all these questions is special effects. Whether you call it FX or visual effects, it’s all the same. It’s tricking the viewer’s eye into seeing something it wasn’t originally with the goal to make the project more unique.

While some may think video special effects is only the expensive computer-generated imagery (CGI) seen in movies, special FX can be as simple as color correcting a photo or video to improve quality, changing the lighting in post-production, or adding a more artistic overlay to give the visual a more vintage tinge.

Of course, the use of state-of-the-art motion capture equipment and 3D animation software can also help in manipulating graphics and text to greater enhance the project. Many use 3D special effects to absorb the audience into the experience. A special effects designer can turn a scene shot in front of a green screen into any location imaginable. A single actor can be computer generated to look older, younger, or create the look of millions of other actors. An entire world can be virtually created through the right motion capture technology. Special effects can be as special as you want them to be.

Special Video Production Equipment In-house

Dynamic Digital Advertising (DDA) is equipped with a state-of-the-art video and photography studio where different projects involving motion capture, 3D modeling and video animation are produced. With professional graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, animators, and videographers on staff, the most unique video experience can be achieved with the software, technology, and expertise available through DDA. Contact DDA today to learn more.


Photo Credit: Microsoft Office Clipart