where’s my coffee?…

Rain, rain go away… somehow it always makes me feel tired and blah. I have the urge to curl up in bed with some hot coffee and cookies and watch movies all day. On the other hand, some people love the rain, it’s rhythmic sound and the feel of drops on their faces are comforting. I do realize that rain is a nourishing drink of water to the earth that is a necessary part of life and growth, despite it’s effect on my mood, and I have the same feeling for some of my tasks that need to be done.

Some tasks can be tedious and tiresome, and some I am happy to quietly move rhythmically through. But no matter what the outlook, it is all a necessary part of growth and development and cannot be bypassed. So, despite the rain and the blah, I am happy to ignore the view out the front window and look forward to crossing a few things off my task list.

Today I will be adding some content to a medical website, adding images to a corporate website design, adding search engine optimization content to a jewelry website, and incorporating a new logo and tag-line into an existing website. Since it’s raining outside, it’s a good day to be inside and concentrate on the tasks at hand… where’s my coffee?…