No Time to Write Santa

I don’t think I ever wrote a letter to Santa. I may have at school or Girls Club; I mean, I’m sure I did. To be honest, I don’t remember much interaction between me and the big guy in red. My only real memory is a breakfast with Santa at the local K-Mart. I got a Mr. T and the Gymnasts coloring book. Now there was an interesting concept for a cartoon.

Now that I am older and I’m a writer, there’s too many other things I have to write, like search engine optimized content, copy for brochure development, video scripts, proposals for medical illustrations, website design and development, custom programming, graphic, design, and video production.

If I were to write a letter to Santa it would probably be for something practical, like a pair of heels with really good tread, so when I am running like a maniac to get in a conference call for medical continuing medical education (CME) development or something else, I don’t fall down or up the stairs; or a pen that doesn’t leak all over my hand while taking notes (truthfully, it happens with all pens; I think I press too hard); or best of all an ice scraper with a built-in LED light that heats up, just like Elise’s. Well, I actually did ask for the latter, but not in an official letter.

But no matter what Santa brings me, I’ll be happy. I have everything I need already. Except maybe 20/20 vision, but I’m not sure how to phrase that in a letter.