Rising to the Challenge
As I work in New Business Development, I don’t always get to take on new projects as a coordinator or a writer. Last week, we received a brochure design project that was a rush deadline. Since it was to be done right away and content was expected to be provided, I stayed on as the Project Coordinator because it was the easiest solution.
As it turned out, content development was needed so I had to write the text as well as coordinate the graphic design work. I can’t say I was disappointed. I enjoy writing, and brochure copy is always fun because you need to come up with catchy headers and everything needs to be compact and engaging. I also like seeing how my text is transformed by the designer. The brochure is due tomorrow and Carrie is working through the inside design today. I can’t wait to see it when complete.
While really tight deadlines like this one aren’t our preference, at DDA we rise to the challenge and work hard to not only get it done, but create the highest-quality product we can. I’m not saying that all of our services from video production and medical animations to website design and development and continuing medical eduction (CME) sites can be done in five days (trust me I am not saying this at all). What I am saying is, when we commit, we commit, and do everything in our power to see it done right and on time.