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Philips Healthcare HeartNavigator eLearning – 2011 | DDA Case Studies
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Case Study: Philips Healthcare HeartNavigator eLearning – 2011

DDA creates revolutionary eLearning tool for Philips’ HeartNavigator.


View the Philips HeartNavigator Demo Video


Philips Healthcare developed the HeartNavigator, an interventional tool that combines 3D CT images of a patient’s cardiac anatomy captured before a procedure into a single image with an overlay of the live X-ray fluoroscopy information. Philips Healthcare wanted to support the tool’s commercial release by offering an effective method to train users. Peer-to-peer workshops with PowerPoint presentations, face-to-face interactions, and printed user guides were traditional training methods that Philips previously used. Dynamic Digital Advertising (DDA) had already developed an interactive eLearning tool to advance training methods for Philips’ XperGuide. The challenged remained to develop a similar eLearning tool that had customized content and interactivity while highlighting the unique advantages of the HeartNavigator tool.


DDA had already created two eLearning tools for Philips, so a foundation for a virtual lab environment existed. However, HeartNavigator requires that certain procedural steps be completed in a control room setting. One objective for this project was to design an adjunct virtual environment. A second objective was to make sure the concept of a step-by-step, procedure-based virtual medical simulation was maintained. A passive simulation would guide users through the functionality of the equipment, while an active simulation would allow users to operate the equipment in a virtual, risk-free setting. Similar to the previous eLearning tools created for Philips, the HeartNavigator tool would include an introduction with an on-screen actor/actress to present the features of the product.


The HeartNavigator eLearning tool was designed with a futuristic control room and lab environments that included Philips medical equipment, a 3D patient model, and ambient lighting that distinguished modules from one another. An actress was cast from DDA’s Actors’ Network and DDA’s videographers filmed her using the green screen in the DDA studio. The video was edited and embedded into the introduction module. DDA also recorded voice-over narration in its sound-proof audio booth for the passive and active simulations. Procedure-based simulations that allowed users to freely explore and practice skills in a way that best suits unique learning styles were made possible by combining high-definition videoanimationprogramming, still photography, and 3D models. Closed-captioning was also incorporated into the tool. DDA added a testing module that allowed users to answer multiple choice questions and, with a passing score, be awarded a personalized certificate with a date stamp as proof of participation in the HeartNavigator eLearning tool.



DDA offered the additional feature of an administrative back-end system. This system stores user registration information which allows Philips Healthcare to monitor usage and navigation of the tool. In the first few months since the launch of the HeartNavigator eLearning tool, more than 200 national and international physicians registered with the tool, interacted with the simulations, and competed the testing module. As the tool gains exposure on the Philips Healthcare main website, the number of users continues to grow. Philips’ representatives utilize the eLearning tool at workshops around the world, contributing to the growing number of users. Customers and colleagues in the medical field alike have offered great reviews of the HeartNavigator virtual learning environment.