Medical Video ProductionMedical Video Production
Train by Doingline

Case Study: Airway Cam Technologies Website Portal – 2010

A visually pleasing, comprehensive, and informative multimedia site is the perfect educational resource for clinicians to learn more about specific techniques.




Airway Cam Technologies provides emergency airway equipment and training to clinicians, and they wanted a website that details all they have to offer, including their techniques, training resources, and products.


DDA Medical was contracted to develop this website utilizing custom graphics and branding that would also allow the website to expand over time. This site would not only promote the Airway Cam name, but it would act as an educational resource to clinicians who use the equipment and seek new techniques in emergency airway management.  Search engine marketing and optimization would be put in place by adding keyword-rich content, which DDA copywriters would research and write.


DDA designed the site to clearly feature what Airway Cam Technologies offers. An airway visual borders one side of the home page, as the three areas of focus (Learn, Train, and Equip) are segmented into easily navigated menus. Content throughout the website is search engine optimized and search engine marketed by DDA Medical and is designed to earn hundreds of search term keyword results in the top pages of the major search engines. DDA programmers also integrated a video library to this multimedia site. The videos consist of specific airway related techniques and devices used during a variety of procedures. For those clinicians interested in procuring emergency airway equipment, a storefront and shopping cart has been built into the site to fulfill those needs.



The Airway Cam portal provides clinicians with reference material and the products they need, all while serving as a complete educational resource for emergency airway management.