Kepner Tregoe (KT) specializes in optimizing the performance of a business by managing challenges and organizational issues. A company of this caliber with such high standards in operations needed an equally qualified company to design and develop a corporate website in order to produce a successful marketing campaign. Dynamic Digital Advertising (DDA) was chosen for this task because of our reputation for superior custom website design and development and our in-house ability to provide a wide number of services, including programming, database development, and professional graphic design.
DDA would develop a state-of-the-art website for Kepner Tregoe that detailed why companies should enlist KT as a management consultant. With such a wide range of services, this comprehensive website would need to include hundreds of pages, all of which would need to be organized in a user-friendly interface. Since KT also offers a variety of products and management software, an e-commerce platform would need to be programmed in the site to allow users to purchase and prosper.
The Kepner Tregoe website may contain a large number of pages, but navigation was made easy with a well organized menu system that was divided by the main categories KT focuses on: strategies, operational improvement, training, and products offered. DDA programmed an e-commerce feature for visitors to easily purchase these products and the three-tiered navigation system made it effortless to browse the site through clearly marked and color-coded menus.
After a six-month development process, Kepner Tregoe was presented with an online destination that not only reflected the breadth of products and services available, but also a high level of professionalism that companies look for in a management consultant.