In 2002, Gimpel, a division of Tyco Valves and Flow Control, came to DDA looking for a unique way to present their Maintenance Certification Program. They wanted something engaging, easy to use, and fully informative that would teach users about the program and the products.
Gimpel wanted to go beyond a standard handbook explaining the maintenance certification program. They wanted to offer users a more interactive instructional tool that would provide information and inspiration to learn more. Gimpel would utilize the video production and 3D modeling services of Dynamic Digital Advertising, and come away with a custom tool that would strengthen their business.
DDA produced a multimedia instructional CD-ROM design for Gimpel that combined form with functionality. This attractive and interactive CD-ROM contained content about Gimpel and Tyco's steam turbine machinery, the risks of steam turbine failure, recommended preventative maintenance, a maintenance calculator, and a guide on how to troubleshoot and maintain these powerful pieces of equipment. The contents of the CD-ROM are designed with 3D animation, digital audio, and video recording which DDA recorded and edited. The 3D animation of the maintenance calculator and 3D modeling of the turbines and valves adds both educational value and attention to the tool. All is compiled into an interactive CD-ROM layout that is easy to navigate and understand.
The interactive CD-ROM that DDA provided Gimpel was a one-of-a-kind educational tool that could excite and inform users and help Gimpel build a better business.