Medical Video ProductionMedical Video Production
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Case Study: NAPNAP – Consumer-Focused Webcast on Immunizations – 2010

The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) educates parents about the importance of childhood immunization programs with this attractive, chaptered, and easy-to-navigate video webcast platform designed and developed by DDA.


View the NAPNAP Consumer-Focused Webcast on Immunizations


Over years of experience dealing with parents on the topic of the importance of childhood immunization programs it became clear to NAPNAP that there was a lot of confusion and misinformation on the topic. NAPNAP wanted a way to address common questions, misconceptions, and concerns about childhood immunizations in a way that would engaging, easy to follow, and memorable.


Through discussions with NAPNAP DDA determined that an easily-navigable video webcast, 10-15 minutes in length and divided into multiple sections, each with their own subsections to address specific concerns, would be the best way to deliver NAPNAP's message on the importance of childhood immunization programs. Viewers could allow the video to play through from start to finish, receiving all the information, or could instead interactively select the topic of their particular interest to obtain specific, reliable information from trusted medical professionals.


NAPNAP and DDA worked together to determine an overall plan to develop the webcast. DDA conducted phone interviews with expert nurse practitioners and used this material to develop a script for the video. From this, DDA developed a key-frame storyboard to plan the progression of the video. On-screen talent to represent the parents was provided by the DDA Actors' Network, and the actors and nurse practitioners were filmed in DDA's studios in front of a green screen.

DDA then designed two high-resolution 3D environments, one of a pediatric exam room and the other of an office setting. These backdrops were integrated into the video with additional supplementary imagery, special effects, and transitions to create a truly professional video production. The video was then divided into topics and subtopics, formatted for placement on the web, and organized onto a platform for delivery on NAPNAP's website. DDA included appropriate branding on the platform to aide NAPNAP's efforts in educating the public of the role it plays. DDA also provided hosting services for the webcast on its streaming video server.



The webcast proved to be a success, being timely, informational, and easy to use, with a sharp, polished visual appeal. Positive feedback was strong, and NAPNAP was so pleased that it soon decided to partner with DDA again to develop another webcast on immunizations, this time focusing on educating other healthcare providers.