For 20 years, CHI Systems, Inc. has been providing innovative technology solutions for a variety of industries, such as defense, intelligence, homeland security, and the healthcare markets. With a trade show fast approaching, they needed a way to stand out to attendees and showcase their services. CHI Systems enlisted DDA’s graphic design services to produce bold graphics that would attract trade show participants.
DDA would design a series of trade show displays that feature the core messages CHI Systems wanted to convey to trade show attendees. Each display panel would follow the same design and format, but present a different company message. CHI representatives would have the flexibility to use all four panels together or individually.
The designers at DDA created four matching panels to be displayed on banner stands around the trade show booth. When all four panels are together, the viewer can see the circular pattern that connects them all; however, each separate panel can also be used individually and elicit the same bold feel. Each panel showcases the company's core competencies in a bullet-pointed list and related imagery. All panels can be easily moved and placed within the presentation space of almost any size trade show booth.
Not only did DDA design this series of large format trade show graphics, but DDA’s production staff coordinated the printing of the panels and shipped them in time for the CHI System’s trade show.