Medical Video ProductionMedical Video Production
Train by Doingline

Case Study: Mobile Diagnostic Services Onlivemation™ Video and Website – 2007

DDA utilizes exclusive technology to produce an informative video for online and real-world distribution.


Click to View the MDS Website with Onlivemation™ Video


Mobile Diagnostic Services (MDS) offer portable diagnostic solutions, such as x-rays, ultrasounds, and EKGs, for organizations that provide long-term care. Responsive service and reliable results are two of the main priorities of MDS, and they were looking to share these principles through an informative video and website.


As a full service digital marketing and advertising company, DDA would be able to fulfill all needs of MDS, from custom website design and development to video production. DDA would provide copywriting and graphic design services to complete these projects, as well as incorporate a state-of-the-art presentation feature exclusive to DDA, Onlivemation™.


To create the Onlivemation™ effect, actors are filmed in front of a green screen, and during post production they are integrated into an illustrated environment created by one of DDA's talented graphic artists and animators. Illustrated office elements are combined with actual healthcare equipment to create a unique environment and viewing experience. DDA copywriters wrote the video script using the conversational style requested by MDS to elicit a more friendly and people-centered theme. During the video, the viewer is immersed in a hospital setting as an MDS technician works with a patient while nurses discuss many of the positive attributes of the MDS staff. A ticker runs along the bottom of the video screen to highlight the main points. DDA also filmed and edited the footage in-house and formatted it for use online as a promotional CD-ROM.

The website design featured similar elements as the video, which is also featured on each web page. DDA animated the website’s menu, allowing users to easily navigate each page detailing MDS services. There is also a link for registered users to view medical reports and x-rays.



The informative video was formatted for a promotional CD-ROM which was distributed to the long-term care community to advertise and promote Mobile Diagnostic’s industry-leading services. The video is also featured on the MDS website for a multi-media overview of the company.