Companies and medical organizations alike are finding that by adopting gaming principles, they are able to produce more efficient workflows and have more satisfied customers, clients, and patients. Today, gamification in business and medicine is taking many shapes. It is being integrated into everything from training programs, continuing medical education (CME), and health and wellness initiatives to retail/wholesale loyalty programs, education, and more. DDA Games is a gamification developer with the in-house capability to design gamified applications on virtually any platform, for any business or medical organization.
What types of business areas could gamification enhance?
Sales and Marketing: When successfully implemented into the sales process, gamification supports improved customer relationship management adoption and usage, along with company-wide collaboration to support the sales effort. Applying gamification in social media will help you reach a broader audience and gain unlimited marketing exposure. You could even contract a gamification developer to design a gamified application for market research, which will help you strategize future marketing initiatives.
Customer Engagement: It takes more than just knowing your target demographic to promote customer engagement in gamification – it takes psychological tactics. Break down your audience base into three groups: casual customers, loyal customers, and brand advocates. Then, develop gamification techniques that help you appeal to each group individually. While casual customers may require a more guided experience so they can learn the ropes, loyal customers need fresh content and new experiences to retain their interest, and brand advocates will respond best through exclusives and social media recognition.
Employee Incentives: Gamification can help you motivate employees to reach sales goals, learn new software programs, and improve overall workplace performance. Applying gaming mechanics to mundane office procedures, tasks, and projects can be the boost employees need to get excited about their role in executing responsibilities to perfection. To enhance collaboration among departments, games can be designed so that users must work as a team to reach high levels and achieve optimal rewards.
How can gamification help improve healthcare?
Pharmaceutical Sales Training: Gamified online platforms can be used to give the information pharmaceutical sales representatives need to get doctors to prescribe their pharmaceuticals. Competition can be organized by regional territories and between individual representatives, with points offered for various measures of success. Interactive question-and-answer segments can get sales representatives prepared to talk about tough issues on the field.
Clinical Training: Gamification prinicples can be used to enhance standardized clinical training and reliability testing on new diagnostics, treatment protocols, and surgical and other interventions. Multimedia combining video, 2D and 3D animation, on-screen text can be synchronized and coordinated with interactive features to make for immersive learning experiences that inspire engagement and strengthen educational outcomes. Testing based on medical videos and animations showing biological structures in motion with particular challenges can be useful in helping clinicians understand how to categorize the type and severity of specific disorders. Interactive elements can be used to demonstrate effects of treatments and interventions in real-time to reinforce the consequences of various responses to medical challenges.
Virtual Medical Simulations: Gamification principles are no more in evidence than in virtual medical simulations. Combining live-action video, custom 3D clinical environments, animation, voice-over narration, and interactive challenges, virtual medical simulations reproduce the essentials of the real-time decision-making process clinicians exhibit in practice, without the risk. The rich interactive multimedia experience draws users in to learn how to execute new procedures using new medical equipment and techniques, captivating the attention of medical professionals that often have too many demands for their time to devote attention to just one experience for any serious length of time. DDA Games' XperGuide VMS, developed for Philips Healthcare, was so rewarding that clinicians were found using the clinical training app on their iPads during their lunch breaks. By making the learning experience fun through the incorporating game design principles, DDA Games makes training platforms that keep users deeply engaged in a way that leads to stronger learning outcomes. The success of the XperGuide app led to the creation two additional virtual medical simulations, in addition to a medical animation and a clinical environment simulator that introduced clinicians to a new interventional suite and the various configurations in which is could be deployed in practice. DDA also one the first ever Tabby Award for Best iPad Healthcare App in 2012 for its work on the Philips XperGuide.
There is a place for gamification in almost any industry or field of medicine. Contact DDA Games to learn more about gamification applications and how to utilize this technology in your company.