Digital Medical Pioneers Since 1994
Doing what others say can't be done.
DDA Medical matches form to function like a glove to hand. Comprehensive education, training, communication, and information management tools bring comprehension to even the most complex medical topics with compelling interactive multimedia that makes the message heard.

eLearning and Training Platforms
Healthcare Professionals
Keep clinical skills current with training on the latest in best practices.
Patient Education
Teach patients to understand and get the most from their treatment plans.
Sales Training
Empower your sales force to effectively communicate the value your organization.
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
Help clinicians continue to grow in their profession with the latest in medicine.
Learning Management System (LMS)
Administer eLearning modules and collect and analyze performance data for continuous improvement.
eLearning Technologies
Use interactive multimedia platforms to efficiently and effectively educate clinicians.

Virtual Medical Simulations
Transform eLearning into enveloping experiences that make a mark. DDA Medical’s original combination of synergistic multimedia technologies transports users into the center of the action with interactive immersive environments that reproduce real-world clinical experiences. Train and educate with the tools of tomorrow with Virtual Medical Simulations from DDA Medical.
Augmented Reality
Any significant step in the evolution of a new medium is marked by its ability to capture and contain the previous one. In other words, the new medium has the power to incorporate all of the previous medium’s innovations within itself while advancing the terms of the new system. The photograph contained the painting, the film contained the photograph, the TV contained the film and the internet has captured the TV. Augmented Reality continues this tradition of evolutionary innovation. The full possibilities for the expression of Augmented Reality are yet undiscovered, but will play out in many exciting and unpredictable ways.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence will revolutionize the practice of medicine in the modern world. New deep learning AI applications in healthcare will facilitate advances in medical education and training, health research, diagnostics, actuarial science, and more, paving the way for new potential advancements that will benefit practitioners and patients alike.
LEARN MOREResponsive Websites and Digital Marketing
Meet your market where they’re at—on their smartphones, searching the web—with responsive websites and other online digital marketing platforms by DDA Medical.
Mobile and Online Medical Applications
Empower clinicians and patients alike with powerful information processing tools that organize medical information and help improve treatment outcomes.
Advanced Video Technologies
Capture their imagination with aerial drone video, interactive 360-degree video, augmented and interactive videos, 3D animations, and more.