Open Future Learning Online Medical eLearning Platform
Imagine an eLearning platform in which you are enveloped into the content. Instead of viewing a graphic, you interact with it, clicking to reveal additional actions and layers of information. Instead of reading the words of a key opinion leader, you see them spoken through a number of inspirational videos. In lieu of writing down notes, you type them into the interface, where they are saved and made available for later viewing. These are the features of Open Future Learning (OFL), a training destination for developmental disability support workers. When Benjamin Drew, founder of OFL, approached DDA to develop the platform, we jumped at the opportunity, combining the efforts of our website development, graphic design, programming, and video staff. Beyond the user experience, DDA created a powerful backend that allows OFL administrators complete control over account access and user limits. Additionally, a supervisor dashboard gives subscribing organizations and companies a comprehensive look into the training activities of their workforce.