Inspire Health Video-Based Medical eLearning and CME Website
The Bower Foundation's relationship with DDA Medical began with the design and development of the Inspire Health Breastfeeding medical eLearning platform in 2020. Building off of the success of that project, Inspire Health worked with DDA Medical again to design and develop a new medical eLearning module, this time focused on the history, current status, and potential future development of both public and private health insurance in the United States. The Health Insurance eLearning platform has a colorful and crisp aesthetic that puts people front and center, and emphasizes how diverse individuals obtain health care in a multitude of ways in the United States. The core content consists of animations with on-screen text synchronized to voice-over narrations. Content was largely created by one of the leading experts on health insurance in the U.S. to make for an authoritative eLearning experience. The eLearning content is divided into three main sections (or cases) to cover major subject areas, and is interspersed with six live role-playing videos that are based on actual stories of patients struggling in the U.S. to obtain health care as obtained from the experience of the largest free health clinic in Mississippi and partner of The Bower Foundation, and Jacksonville Free Clinic.
The course includes a single 10-question pretest and posttest. Users have two chances to pass the posttest. They are given feedback on wrong answers on their first posttest attempt that directs them to the exact segment of the course in which the correct answer can be found. On their second attempt, they are corrected with the answer and an explanation, and their final answer is recorded. Users that pass with a score of 70% or higher receive a personalized certificate of completion.
The Inspire Health Insurance eLearning platform can be accessed directly as an interprofessional education (IPE) module, or through Inspire Health partner University of Mississippi Medical Center's own LMS as a continuing education (CE) platform. IPE users must come from a participating college or university and enter a school email address to access the eLearning course. Registration links are sent via email to qualified school email addresses to maintain exclusive access to Inspire Health partners. Those accessing the eLearning module through the UMMC LMS click a course link in the LMS that prepopulates basic registration information and solicits the rest from the user through the registration form. Once CE users complete the course, they are also awarded a code that they can use in their LMS to obtain CE credit. The Inspire Health platform also passes information to the LMS platform to mark that user as having completed the course with either a passing or failing score so that the course is easily integrated into UMMC curricula. (IPE users can produce their certificate of completion to obtain course credit for their passing the eLearning module.)
The Inspire Health Insurance eLearning platform includes robust administrative and reporting features in the back-end. There master administrators can populate a list of the educational programs available in the school administration, and each school can show its specific available educational programs for selection during user registration. School administrative controls also include naming the email domains that will qualify a user for access on the platform, as well as naming a school administrator, who is restricted to seeing reports on only their school. The reporting metrics are extensive, including global averages of scores on pretests and posttests, the total users, the total users who passed the course, and detailed individual performance metrics, including pretest and posttest scores, time spent on each case and the overall course, module evaluation user feedback, and demographics entered in for each registered user. The platform also includes detailed reports on testing, including each user's answer to each question, as well as the total selections of each multiple choice answer for each question among all users. Reports are segregated by IPE and CE users, and can be filtered by school as well. The Bower Foundation has their own dedicated administrative access that shows de-identified reports to protect student privacy. The robust reporting metrics offer Inspire Health valuable insight into the growth in understanding of U.S. health insurance topics through use of this health insurance eLearning module.
The Inspire Health Health Insurance eLearning platform is a powerful example of what a custom-designed interactive multimedia eLearning module can do to further the state of the art in medical education and training. Before it was even launched, Inspire Health began planning the third in the series of eLeearning modules developed with DDA Medical, and is in discussion on building a new custom multi-module learning management system (LMS) that will allow administrators and learners alike access to all current and future Inspire Health eLearning platforms from one convenient online platform.