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Pre-launch Optimization by Dynamic Digital Advertising for Website Design and Development

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Website Design & Development

Pre-launch Optimization
by Dynamic Digital Advertising
for Website Design and
Website Development

To rank on the first pages of major search
engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN,
you're website must be highly optimized.

Everything from page content size, to
composition, to download time, to website
architecture, to links, to keywords, and
more is recognized by the search
engines, analyzed, and ranked
accordingly. Website optimization by
Dynamic Digital Advertising (DDA)
generates more website traffic and is
one factor that improves visitor
conversion rates.

Since 1994, DDA has been a leading
custom website design company in
building optimized websites for a broad
range of clients from our greater
Philadelphia area location. The skill and
experience of our degreed staff allows us
to serve all companies from small mom-and-pop
operations to high-end corporations nationally as well as locally in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Delaware.

DDA's Optimized Custom Website Design and Development Process Builds in Organic Search Engine Optimization Pre-launch.
In the conventional website design process, website optimization is retrofitted after launch and not integrated into the website design and website development process, or not implemented at all. Unlike conventional website design companies, Dynamic Digital Advertising utilizes a holistic approach to the web development process that marries client input with the extensive experience of DDA’s expert search engine technicians.

Just as optimization is essential to the success of a website, experience is essential to the success of optimization. Effective website optimization requires a fundamental understanding of the possible criteria that search engines use to return the hierarchy of results. Search engines alter their criteria to avoid websites that employ spam or trickery for artificially high search engine rankings. As the technology of search engines advances, DDA is constantly evolving to maintain top rankings for our clients.

Few, if any, facilities teach the subject of search engine optimization. Even if website designers and developers were able to gain this information, it is only through trial and error on-the-job experience that they are able to fully understand optimization techniques. Dynamic Digital Advertising’s technicians average more than 5 years of experience in high-end optimization in the real world school of online marketing.

DDA’s professional website designers and programmers also build in high-level optimization methodologies throughout DDA's integrated custom website design and development process. Website optimization is utilized in menu strategies, website architecture, content, alternative text, keywords, cross-linking, coding, and more. Prior to launch our technicians go through a platform review, adding a layer of optimization to the website’s structure page by page.

Benefits of Pre-launch Optimization
Dynamic Digital Advertising’s Pre-launch Optimization assures clients that the platform will achieve the highest initial rankings possible on the major search engines like Yahoo, Google, and MSN. Our clients are assured that the platform is as open and well presented as possible at launch for indexing and ranking by the major search engines. With DDA, websites are recognized by the search engines faster, ranked higher, and are more robust platforms for future search engine ranking growth.


• Get a Top Place Ranking with DDA





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As Philadelphia’s leading graphic design company, Dynamic Digital Advertising grants clients access to one of the most comprehensive graphic design and digital marketing service offerings in the country. Successful Marketing in the 21st Century requires high-end graphic design technology to create imagery that grabs audience attention. One of the many areas that DDA excels in is print graphic design, specifically for catalogs. Catalog graphic design showcases your products; choose the correct vehicle – Dynamic Digital Advertising – to create catalogs for you. To see more of DDA’s exhaustive digital advertising and graphic design services, click here.
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