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The PowerPoint Generator:
Custom Database Programming by DDA

Within your corporate computer network, there may be hundreds of PowerPoint Presentations created by various people within your company. Some PowerPoint Presentation have been designed for marketing to clients, describing manufacturing processes, detailing technical data, and much more. Employees are often crunched for time: researching wastes more valuable time. Give them instant access to information by putting easy-to-control PowerPoint slides at their fingertips with a PowerPoint Generator by Dynamic Digital Advertising.

Consolidated Database of PowerPoint Slides
Dynamic Digital Advertising programs a central location where all PowerPoint slides can be collected and organized. Don’t allow your best presentations and most informative slides to be lost among your employees’ computers. You and other members of your company can benefit from the expertise of their creators. Simply search by the topic, the name of the creator, or any criteria which you want DDA to build into the generator’s search capability. In seconds, you’ll have located the slides you need as well as other slides that can benefit your presentation. Put them into the corporate shopping cart and organize them into a custom PowerPoint Presentation at your leisure. Best of all, this entire process is universally available within the Internet browser of anyone you give access to.

Create Online PowerPoint Presentations Efficiently
All members of your organization can use DDA’s PowerPoint Generator. Search, select, and organize: PowerPoint slides from multiple presentations originally used to secure funds from investors, for product development, for sales presentations, for training and seminars, etc., can now be re-organized to create presentations for prospective customers, test audiences, manufacturers, and more. Professional PowerPoint Presentations can be made by anyone, regardless of their technical proficiency or computer software, and sent directly to another workstation or downloaded to a CD-ROM.

Flexibility and Speed for Making Presentations
The PowerPoint Generator circumvents compatibility problems by allowing you to send online presentations to any networked computer and play them through your Internet, Intranet, or Extranet connection.

Online PowerPoint Presentation Add-ons
Create custom PowerPoint presentations by adding in new photographs, information, diagrams, music, sound effects, and more. You can also retrieve full presentations from your corporate archives, update them with new digital photographs, animations, or music, and then show an audience an improved and updated slide show. The PowerPoint Generator makes adding on multimedia elements easier and faster than ever.

Call Dynamic Digital Advertising for PowerPoint Generator, an Intranet or Internet-based library that organizes, searches, manages, and makes available the slides of every PowerPoint Presentation created by your company.


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The Original Custom Website Design Company

So you’re interested in displaying your PowerPoint presentations to a broader audience? Why not showcase them in a custom website design developed by Dynamic Digital Advertising? DDA is a custom web site design and development company specializing in custom programming and search engine optimization. We employ a degreed staff of website designers, programmers, search engine optimization technicians and more to ensure that your website is as appealing as it is functional. Our team will work with you to ascertain your goals, plan interactive tools, and produce the ultimate compilation of presentations that best reflects your company, product, or service.
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So you’re interested in displaying your PowerPoint presentations to a broader audience? Why not showcase them in a custom website design developed by Dynamic Digital Advertising? DDA is a custom web site design and development company specializing in custom programming and search engine optimization. We employ a degreed staff of website designers, programmers, search engine optimization technicians and more to ensure that your website is as appealing as it is functional. Our team will work with you to ascertain your goals, plan interactive tools, and produce the ultimate compilation of presentations that best reflects your company, product, or service.
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